3P!C ßR34D
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3P!C ßR34D

The Random Society for those that just wanna hang out - We are currently an extremely low population :(

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User Ranks

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1User Ranks Empty User Ranks Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:25 pm



Depending on what position you serve on these forums, you are given a rank. Here's a list just so you know what to expect. After a specific amount of posting, your ranks will change:

Obtainable Ranks-

-Member- You Start of with this
-Copper Member- A good amount of posting should reach you here
-Bronze Member- A nice amount of posting will land you here
-Silver Member- After a while, you'll reach this rank
-Gold Member- Being a common poster and frequent user will help you achieve this ranks
-Platinum Member- The highest obtainable normal rank. Think you have what it takes to reach this state?
-[Redacted]- Post enough to obtain this rank. Be warned, it has never been obtained

Special Ranks:
-Administrator- Me!!! And me only
-Sub-Admin- Administrator in training. Only trusted gain this rank
-Moderator- The feared. Only the ones with enough skill and determination can reach this rank.
-Head Moderator- Pretty much a sub-admin. He leads all mods.

And there you have it :p Did you enjoy my stale humor?


2User Ranks Empty Rep and Warnings Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:25 pm



Rep is distributed among members who find each other's posts to be interesting/helpful. We don't promote and can not/have no power over rep boostiing. Though, if we find topics like "Boost my rep" or post with "boost my rep if you liked this post" we'll send you a mini-warning (explained below). Rep should be earned, not begged for.

Warnings are distributed by the admins. If you break a small rule we'll boost your warning bar by one or maybe two. If you broke a serious rule or one rule drastically, we'll ban you on the spot. Warning can not be removed sadly, and will stick to you like a permanent record. So try and keep a clean slate Very Happy

Types of Bans-
3 Warnings: 5 Days
6 Warnings: 2 Weeks
9 Warning: 6 Weeks
12 Warning: Permanent Ban


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